Devisal of Portfolio Funding and Notion of Investment

From early times Indians consorted to invest in real estate, Gold business rather than financial market,  Just in case bid to invest in financial market without risk bank deposits, post office provident funds, insurance.
The number of people investing in risk involved in share equity like policy are less. But if we compare to America, china countries individuals invest greater extent in equity. If we investigate retail investors invests without any inquiry in equity, but before investing mindful methods should be followed.

What is the main Notion of Investment?
To avert examining every time total amount invested and to meet the financial goals to accumulate required currency. But in these times financial goals depends on time span, investor ‘s risk capacity, plays important roles.

Individuals who are investing from prolonged periods mutual funds are good picks. Not only depending on investor ‘s risk capacity dozens of policies are available but also it is observed by fund managers carefully to avoid worry.

Main attraction feature is that one can invest in varied investing policies at a time. Policy can be selected regarding investment time span, financial goal, loss to risk. Individuals looking to avoid risk can invest in one to a month liquid, ultra short term, for 3 -6 months short term date funds.

1-2 years long term date funds, MIP funds. If one prepare for some risk balanced funds, still gear up for some more risk large cap, flexi cap, mid cap funds are suitable bond for short term since sometime due to fluctuations in rupee value bond market rally is presently fluctuating but this is for shorter period only.

Once rupee value is stabilized bond market yielding more income is foreseen and it is a good opportunity for individuals investing in one year time span .

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